First steps

First steps with mKsiegowa


We're glad you have registered with our system Before you begin working in the system, you must set up several pieces of information. We invite you to have a look at these steps below. 

1. System login

Logging in to the program requires a unique login, password and company or organization name. The login and password are set during registration on the website. Of course, access to accounting data is possible only for selected people who have separate accounts assigned to the organization. Each user has a specific scope of data access.

2. How to get help?

In each program option you always have access to context help under the Help button, available in the top bar of the screen (the button may also be available in other places for other "skins"). Please note that help page is not available yet for all screens.

A contact form is available in the main menu of the program to facilitate problem description (Support request).

3. System settings

Please check system settings available in Setup module. It allows several settings for each program module.


4. Chart of Accounts

Like with any accounting software you need to begin with the Chart of Accounts. Our system offers a predefined COA for typical Polish company. If any new accounts need to be added do the following:
  • Click the General Ledger tab.
  • Click GL Accounts.
  • Select Account Groupfor which the new Account will be added
  • Enter the necessary information for the item to be added (account code and name). Note that account code must begin with account group code.
  • Click Add Account. 

5. Categories

You want to save your time when working in One of the way to simplify work is to have default settings. Default settings for items is available in Categories. Start with Categories by:

  • Click the Inventory tab.
  • Click Item Categories.
  • Enter the necessary information for the item to be added.
  • Click Add New. 

6. Items

With your categories in place, it's time to begin adding items to your inventory. Follow these steps:

  • Click the Inventory tab.
  • Click Items.
  • Enter the necessary information for the item to be added.
  • Click Insert New Item. 

7. Suppliers

When it comes to adding items to inventory, you don't want to get into the habit of doing item adjustments. Not only is this poor accounting, it also will not work properly with the system. You have to create a purchase order for the items, and then once the order has arrived, check in items for the purchase order (PO). In order to do this, you must first create suppliers. To create a supplier for a product, follow these steps:

  • Click Purchases.
  • Click Suppliers.
  • Fill out all necessary information for the new supplier.
  • Click Add New Supplier Details.

You don't need to create a subaccount for each Supplier - subaccounts are created as you enter them into the list. Subacounts are created for a selected Payable Account in the format (example):


where xxxxx - 5 digit supplier number created automatically by the system.

8. Purchase Order

Now you can create a new PO, order items, and check items in when they arrive. When you check those items in, the item inventory will be adjusted. To create a PO, follow these steps:

  • Click Purchases.
  • Click Purchase Order Entry.
  • Enter the information for the PO.
  • Click Add Item.
  • Click Place Order.

9. Customers

List of Customers can be maintained in Sales module. You don't need to create a subaccount for each customer - subaccounts are created as you enter them into the list. Subacounts are created to a selected Receivable Account in the format (example):


where xxxxx - 5 digit customer number.

pomoc w programie
If you have any specific items you need our help with please do not hesitate contacting us.